GEO GOLD – Enriched Organic Compost acts as a soil enricher and yield booster

GEO GOLD is a enriched organic compost with Humic, Fulvic, Organic base PGR and EM substances. The compost with enrichment with growth promoters, bio pesticides and bio fungicides has a very promising effect in controlling the soil and seed borne pest and diseases. It also gives the boosted initial growth for the plant and during its maturity stage. It is a complete bio soil enhancer cum protectant for all crops.

Formulation : Powder

Recommended Crops

Paddy, Ground nut, Sugarcane, Banana, Turmeric, Cotton, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee, Maize and Papaya are some major crops for which GEO GOLD is recommended. GEO GOLD is recommended for wide range of cash crops, vegetables, flowers and fruits to get incremental yield and benefit.


Product Enquiry

    Product Description



    Mode of Action

    GEO GOLD enriches the soil microbial population and mineral mixture. It helps for rapid multiplication of beneficial microbes. It fixes the Nitrogen, Solubilises Phosphorous, Potash mobilization and converts other micro nutrient to available form. Root uptakes the available nutrients in directly and helps for growth and development of plants.

    Method of Application

    Apply GEO GOLD @ 20 Kg per acre before every irrigation for Paddy, Groundnut, Maize, Pulses, Ragi, Cumbu, all tyes of vegetable crops, Sunflower and flower crops.
    Apply GEO GOLD @ 40 Kg per acre before every irrigation for plantation and orchard crops like Coconut, Mango, Jackfruit, Cashew, Sapota, Gauva, Amla, Citrus, Spices and condiments etc.,


    GEO GOLD can be mixed with inorganic and organic fertilizers and nutrient mixtures .


    Keep in dry and cool place. Do not expose to direct sunlight or heat.

    Available Packing

    40 Kg Bag

    Product Life Span

    Best before 36 months from manufacturing date